ChatGPT Template Starter Kit / GPT3
This Starter Kit for ChatGPT allows you to have a personalised version of Chat GPT running on your localhost!
Then back to $100
If you've been looking to run Chat GPT with your own settings and configuration, or prepare and build a business around the chatbot, this comes with the basics to help you do that. Includes:
- Backend: Express Web Server, OpenAI API
- Frontend: React Js
This is a grass roots template made to be simple and clean to get you started. No responsibility is made for debugging, bugs, security or issues which will need to be applied at your applied as your responsibility.
Some additional to what it currently also includes is:
- Basic HTML forms for performing chats
- CSS styling for the design
- JavaScript method calls to the backend
I wrote this to let people get started with their own projects for simple testing and use of Chat GPT in a controlled environment. If this is of benefit to you, I hope you enjoy this project and use it well! Below are some screenshots of the front-end, back-end and general use!